Remember the belt loops are for the scout doing their best to learn about the sport or academic activity, and by putting the new techniques to practice with fellow scouts, in their community, or working with an adult.
Belt Loop
Complete these three requirements:
- Explain basic rules of safety for swimming. Emphasize the buddy system.
- Pass the "beginner" swim level test.
- Demonstrate the ability to float on your back.
Sports Pin
Earn the Swimming belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:
- Learn two of the following strokes: crawl, backstroke, elementary backstroke, sidestroke, or breaststroke.
- Learn two of the following floating skills: jellyfish float, turtle float, canoe (prone) float.
- Using a kickboard, demonstrate three kinds of kicks.
- Play a water game with your den or family.
- Visit with a lifeguard and talk about swimming safety in various situations (pool, lake, river, ocean). Learn about the training a lifeguard needs for his or her job.
- Explain the three rescue techniques of Reach, Throw, and Go.
- Take swimming lessons.
- Attend a swim meet at a school or community pool.
- Tread water for 30 seconds.
- Learn about a U.S. swimmer who has earned a medal in the Olympics.
All swimming activities done by Cub Scout Packs must be done in accordance with the rules in the "Safe Swim Defense", described in the Guide to Safe Scouting (#34416B). That program is available for viewing by Clicking Here. Those rules are not mandatory for individuals or families, of course, swimming in private or public pools, lakes, or beaches, although families are encouraged to use as much of them as appropriate. They ARE mandatory for all Cub Scout aquatic activities, trips to swimming pools arranged as Den or Pack meetings or outings.
Included in the Guide is a procedure and standards for classifying swimming ability. Requirement 2 for the Swimming Belt Loop, listed above, refers to the following, taken from the Guide.
Jump feet first into water over the head in depth, level off, swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming as before, and return to starting place.
The entry and turn serve the same purpose as in the swimmer test. The swimming can be done with any stroke, but no underwater swimming is permitted. The stop assures that the swimmer can regain a stroke if it is interrupted. The test demonstrates that the beginning swimmer is ready to learn deepwater skills and has the minimum ability required for safe swimming in a confined area in which shallow water, sides, or other support is less than 25 feet from any point in the water.
I certify that __________________ has completed the minimum requirements.
Adult Teammate Signature