Remember the belt loops are for the scout doing their best to learn about the sport or academic activity, and by putting the new techniques to practice with fellow scouts, in their community, or working with an adult.
_____ Identify the chess pieces and set up a board for play.
_____ Demonstrate the moves of each 'chess piece to your den leader or adult partner.
_____ Play a game of chess.
I certify that __________________ has completed the minimum requirements.
Adult Teammate Signature
Earn the Chess belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:
- Demonstrate basic opening principles (such as development of pieces, control center, castle, don't bring queen out too early, don't move same piece twice).
- Visit a chess tournament and tell your den about it.
- Participate in a pack, school, or community chess tournament.
- Solve a pre-specified chess problem (e.g., "White to move and mate in three") given to you by your adult partner.
- Play five games of chess.
- Play 10 chess games via computer or on the Internet.
- Read about a famous chess player.
- Describe U.S. Chess Federation ratings for chess players.
- Learn to write chess notation and record a game with another Scout.
- Present a report about the history of chess to your den or family.