Parent Handbook |
Cub Scout Pack 485
Resurrection Parish
Jacksonville, FL
Welcome to Cub Scouts and Pack 485! Our pack is made up of approximately 50 to 60 scouts and their families. Most scouts go to the Resurrection Parish School or attend church at Resurrection Parish, but that is not a requirement for membership in the Pack.
In Pack 485 we believe that Cub Scouting is fun with a purpose. We follow the rules and policies set by the national organization. We have tried to include some information below that is specific to our pack.
Pack 485 Organization
Each Cub Scout pack is sponsored by an organization. Our charter organization is the Resurrection Parish. In the second half of the fifth grade school year the scouts move up to Boy Scout Troop 485, also at Resurrection Parish.
Cub Scout Pack 485 is made up of first through fifth grade boys. Boys meet in small groups (dens) of 6 to12 boys from the same grade. Each den has an adult leader. First graders are Tiger Cubs, second graders are Wolf Cubs, third graders are Bear Cubs, and fourth and fifth graders are Webelos. The Pack is a member of the Shawnee District of the Northeast Florida Council. The Council has over 34,000 scouts in 877 units.
The Pack
The Pack is a group made up of several dens. The Pack includes not only the boys in those dens, but also their families, and their leaders. The Pack meets once a month with Cub Scouts, leaders, parents and other family members attending. The Pack meeting is the climax of the month’s den meetings and activities. It gives the dens something to look forward to and work toward. This is a chance to recognize the scouts, their parents, and their leaders for achievements. In addition to its regular meetings, the Pack sponsors certain special projects. These include community projects (e.g., parish cleanup), outdoor activities (e.g., field trips, family campouts, etc.), and fun competitions (e.g., Pinewood Car Derby).
The Den
A Cub Scout Pack is divided into small groups called dens, which meet under the direction of adult Den Leaders.
The den allows scouts to get to know each other better and engage in activities that would be difficult in Pack meetings. Den meeting activities are planned around monthly themes and include games, handicrafts, outdoor fun, and taking part in simple ceremonies and songs. Work on advancement requirements is included, but parents are vital helpers in completing requirements for advancement. The Den Leaders will ask for special assistance occasionally from parents (helping with a meeting, sharing a special skill, or providing a snack for the scouts).
Dens are organized by rank. Ranks are organized by grade and age. Keep in mind that grade is the primary determination for ranking and age is the backup.
- TIGER CUBS—In the first grade, (or 7 years old)
- WOLF SCOUTS -- In the second grade, (or 8 years old)
- BEAR SCOUTS -- In the third grade, ( or 9 years old)
- WEBELOS SCOUTS—In the fourth and fifth grade, (or 10 years old)
- Scouts can earn the Arrow of Light 6 months after completing the fourth grade, or 6 months after turning 10.
- BOY SCOUTS—Completed the fifth grade, or age 11, or have earned the Arrow of Light.
The pack leadership consists of the Charted Organization Representative, the Pack Committee, the Pack Committee Chairman, Cubmaster, Den Leaders, and Den Leader Coaches. A leader must be a U.S. citizen at least 21 years of age, appointed by the chartered organization and registered as an adult leader of the BSA. All adult leaders must attend Youth Protection and Cub Scout Leader Basic Training, a one-day training course organized by the council.
The pack is run by the Pack Committee, which is headed by the Committee Chairman. In Pack 485, all adult leaders are committee members. The Committee meets once each month to plan pack meetings and other pack activities. A description of each leadership element follows.
Chartered Organization Representative
The chartered organization representative is the direct contact between the pack and the chartered organization. This individual is also the organization’s contact with the district committee and the local council. The chartered organization representative may become a member of the district committee and is a voting member of the council. The chartered organization representative’s responsibilities are to:
- Help recruit the right leadership for the unit.
- Serve as a liaison between the units and the organization.
- See that scouts graduate from unit to unit.
- Bring district help and promote the use of district personnel and materials.
- Encourage recognition of leaders.
- Cultivate resources to support the organization.
- Represent the organization at the council level.
- Support the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
Pack Committee
The Pack Committee takes care of the administrative needs of the pack and is similar to a government cabinet. It is organized and chaired by the Pack Committee Chairperson. There are positions in the committee for treasurer, secretary, advancement chairman, and religious award coordinator. The Committee doesn’t "own" the pack; it is simply an administrative arm of the chartered organization. The committee is responsible for:
- Finding a meeting place and setting meeting times
- Setting the Pack policies in accordance with Boy Scouting and the chartered organization.
- Provide the finances and fundraising coordination for the Pack.
- Caring for Pack property.
- Ensuring quality adult leadership and seeing that the leadership is recruited and properly trained.
- Supporting the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
Pack Committee Chairperson
The Pack Committee Chairperson organizes and facilitates the running of the Pack committee. This person works with the Cubmaster to make sure that the responsibilities of the Pack Committee are being met and represents the Pack to the local council. The Pack Committee Chairperson is responsible for:
- Promoting the recruiting of new scouts.
- Managing finances, maintaining adequate pack records, and caring for pack property.
- Maintaining a close relationship with the chartered organization representative.
- Developing and maintaining strong pack-troop relationships.
- Helping recruit den leaders and coaches.
- Being ready to fill in for the Cubmaster in case of emergency.
- Supporting the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
The Cubmaster is actively involved with the scouts and leaders on a weekly basis. The Cubmaster is responsible for:
- Leading the monthly Pack meeting, with the help of the other leaders.
- Guiding, supporting, and motivating the other adult leaders.
- Planning the den and pack programs with the help of the other leaders.
- Coordinating the total program for the pack and making sure the dens are functioning well.
- Helping recruit den leaders and coaches and making sure they receive training.
- Supporting the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
Den Leader Coach/Tiger Cub Coach
The Den Leader Coach is an experienced leader who helps other leaders who are taking over a new Den. The den leader coach is responsible for:
- Helping ensure stable, active, enthusiastic den leaders for all Cub Scout or Webelos dens.
- Aiding new den leaders by helping them plan and conduct their first several meetings.
- Attending den meetings as needed.
- Filling in for a den leader in case of emergency.
- Showing den leaders the importance of maintaining den records.
- Supporting the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
Den Leaders/Tiger Cub Den Coordinator
Den Leaders plan and organize den meetings and keep track of the scouts’ advancements. Den Leaders should try to engage the parents in the den meetings, both to make the Den Leader’s job easier and to increase the scouts’ enjoyment. The Cub Scout Den Leader is responsible for:
- Maintaining a friendly relationship with scouts and encouraging them to advance.
- Keeping accurate records and seeing that scouts receive recognition for their achievements.
- Using the talents of den families to help enrich the den program.
- Helping set a good example for the scouts by behavior, attitude, and proper uniform.
- Leading the den in its participation at pack meetings.
- Collecting weekly den dues and turning them in to the pack treasurer.
- Keeping accurate den records.
- Supporting the policies of the Boy Scouts of America.
Den Chief
Must be an older Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Explorer who has been a Boy Scout. Preferably a former Cub Scout, ideally at least First Class rank. Selected by the senior patrol leader and Scoutmaster or Varsity Scout Coach or Explorer Advisor upon request by the Cubmaster. Approved by the Cubmaster and pack committee for recommendation to the den leader. Registered as a youth member of a troop, team, or post. The Cub Scout den chief's responsibilities are to:
- Know the purposes of Cub Scouting.
- Serve as the activities assistant at den meetings.
- Set a good example by attitude and uniforming.
- Be a friend to the boys in the den.
- Take part in weekly den meetings.
- Assist the den in its part of the monthly pack meeting.
- Know the importance of the monthly theme and pack meeting plans.
- Meet regularly with the den leader to review den and pack meeting plans. Meet as needed with adult members of the den, pack, and troop.
- Encourage Cub Scouts to become Webelos Scouts when they are eligible.
Parents play an important role in Pack 485. The leaders will do their best to provide a quality program, but all the leaders are volunteers and have other obligations. We depend on parents to help maintain the excellent program we have established.
We ask every parent to help the pack in some capacity. You should do your share in organizing den meetings and working with the den leader of your son’s den. In addition, you should help with at least one pack activity a year (e.g. Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold Dinner, or an outing). A parent should attend the pack meetings together with the Cub Scout.
Den Meetings
Most dens meet weekly in the Resurrection Parish Social Hall on Jack Road, (except in the week of the Pack Meeting). At least two adults are required to be present at all times. In Pack 485, each den has a designated den leader. Den activities are for the scouts present. Parents are asked to understand that the scout’s siblings that attend can detract from the experience for the scout and take the leaders time away from their job. In addition, many activities are not age-appropriate for younger children. Parents may want to bring a quiet activity for siblings.
Each Den sets its’ own schedule for meetings. You should contact the Den Leader for your son’s grade level for the latest information on meeting times.
Pack meetings
The Pack meetings are on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Pack meetings are for all the scouts of Pack 485. We expect a parent or the whole family to attend the pack meeting. When not announced differently, pack meetings are at the Resurrection Parish Social Hall on Jack Road at 7 PM. Please arrive early so the meeting can start on time.
Pack meetings generally consist of awards ceremonies, group projects, and announcements about Pack activities. There are many special events: family campouts, field trips, etc. We usually have one special event each six weeks and three major events over the summer break.
Committee Meetings
Leaders of Pack 485 discuss organizational matters, future events and exchange ideas. These meetings are held the first Monday of the month, after the first Thursday of the month. The first Thursday of the month is Roundtable.
Roundtable is for the exchange of information and announcements for leaders of the whole district. Leaders are encouraged to attend roundtable. Parents are welcome. These are held the first Thursday evening of each month at 7:30 PM at Landmark Middle School.
Ranks and Advancement
Scouts work their way through Cub Scouts doing activities that are fun and challenging. The activities are carefully chosen to be age-appropriate and emphasize learning by doing. They are designed to:
- Influence a boy’s character development and spiritual growth.
- Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body.
- Improve understanding within the family.
- Strengthen a boy’s ability to get along with others.
- Show a boy how to be helpful and do his best.
- Provide fun and exciting new things to do.
In addition to the activities that contribute to advancement in rank, the scouts can earn belt loops, pins and letters in the optional academic and athletic program. The purpose of these awards is to encourage Scouts to try new activities and learn new skills. As in all activities in Cub Scouting, this is not meant to be a highly competitive program, instead the scouts are encouraged to "do their best".
Pack 485 also encourages every scout to earn the Cub Scout religious awards for their faith. We strive for 100% participation in this program. There is an adult leader assigned as Religious Awards Coordinator who works with the Den Leaders, parents, and the scouts to work toward and receive recognition for the awards. The Bishop awards the scouts of the Catholic faith their medals at the St. Augustine Cathedral.
First Graders
Cub Scouts joining as first graders enter the Tiger Cubs. Tiger Cubs have no formal advancement. Tiger Cub dens meet twice a month in addition to being welcome at all pack activities. Tiger Cubs introduces boys and their adult partners to the excitement of Cub Scouting as they "Search, Discover, and Share" together.
Second Graders
Cub Scouts in the second grade or above begin advancement by earning the Bobcat Badge. As part of the Bobcat Badge requirements, they must learn the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack, and the Cub Scout Motto.
In the second grade, Cub Scouts work toward the Wolf Badge, then toward a Gold Arrow Point and one or more Silver Arrow Points. To earn the Wolf badge, a boy must pass twelve achievements involving simple physical and mental skills. The requirements for these badges are found in the Wolf Cub Scout Book. Boys working towards their Wolf Badge are called Wolf Cubs.
Third Graders
In the third grade, Cub Scouts are called Bear Cubs and work toward the Bear Badge, after which they work toward earning a Gold Arrow Point and one or more Silver Arrow Points. There are 24 Bear achievements in 4 different categories. The Cub Scout must complete 12 of these to earn the Bear badge. The requirements for these badges are found in the Bear Cub Scout Book. Boys joining in the third grade must earn their Bobcat Badge before working towards the Bear Badge.
Fourth and Fifth Graders

The Webelos Program is a 2-year program for fourth and fifth graders. First, they earn their Bobcat if they have not done so in a previous year. Then in both years, they work toward earning Webelos Activity Pins in 20 different areas, arranged in 5 groups, and toward one of two different cloth Badges.
Fourth grade boys work toward the Webelos Badge. After earning the Webelos Badge, boys work toward Compass Point emblem and compass points by earning additional Activity Pins.
Fifth graders, after earning the Webelos Badge, earn the Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light is the highest rank in Cub Scouts, and its badge is the only Cub Scout Badge that may be worn on a Boy Scout uniform. The requirements for these badges are found in the Webelos Cub Scout Book.
There is one way all Scouts are alike. Whenever a Scout sees another Scout in uniform he knows he is like that person because both have committed to the principles of the Scout Promise and Scout Law. By wearing the uniform Scouts and Leaders are taking an open stand for their convictions.
The scouts and leaders should wear their uniforms to all Pack meetings, den meetings, Roundtable, and outings. For activities like the parish cleanup, or camping activities that may cause damage to the uniform, we would like the boys to wear their official scout caps to identify them as scouts. Scout t-shirts are available for sale were uniforms are sold. There is also a Pack T-shirt, which may be worn for such activities.
Scouts in Pack 485 buy their own uniform, including general patches. The pack provides advancement badges. Tiger cubs have an orange Tiger T-shirt. Wolf and Bear cubs use the blue Cub Scout uniform, while Webelos can choose whether to wear a blue Cub Scout uniform or tan Boy Scout uniform shirt. Pack 485 accepts any dark blue pants or shorts worn with the blue Cub Scout shirt.
Uniforms can be bought at the Scout Shop (388-0591) at 521 S. Edgewood Ave. or at Army Navy Outdoors (725-5000) at 128 Monument Avenue. Consider giving outgrown (experienced) uniforms to new scouts after removing your scouts advancement badges.
Cub Scout Uniform
Shirt: Official Cub Scout dark blue shirt. The council patch, pack number, den number, and world scouting emblems need to be sewn on.
Neckerchiefs: Official Wolf Neckerchief is worn by second-graders. Official Bear Neckerchief is worn by third-graders. The neckerchief is rolled and placed under the shirt collar.
Slide: Official gold metal slide with Cub Scout emblem or handmade neckerchief slides may be worn.
Belt: Official navy blue web belt with metal buckle and Cub Scout emblem.
Cap: (optional) Official Cub Scout baseball-style cap-navy with gold front panel and Cub Scout emblem. The hat is optional, but is the only hat that may be worn with the uniform.
Socks (optional): Official navy blue Cub Scout socks with gold tops.
Webelos Scout Uniform
The Webelos Scout may choose either the blue Cub Scout uniform, or the tan/olive uniform similar to the one worn by Boy Scouts. The location of badges and insignia is the same for both uniforms. The tan/olive uniform is strongly encouraged. Boys who are growing out of their uniforms after the completion of third grade should replace their blue Cub Scout uniform with a tan/olive uniform.
Blue uniform: The trousers, shorts, socks, and shirt are the same as those described for the Cub Scout uniform.
Tan/Olive uniform: When the tan/olive uniform is chosen, official Boy Scout olive trousers or shorts, olive socks and official Boy Scout tan shirt with blue shoulder patches are worn.
The following parts are worn with both uniforms:
Neckerchief: Official Webelos plaid neckerchief. The neckerchief is rolled and placed under the shirt collar.
Slide: Official gold metal slide with Webelos emblem or handmade slides may be worn.
Belt: Official Scout navy blue or olive web belt with metal Webelos belt buckle. Belt loops fit on the official Scout blue belt, so you may want to postpone using the olive belt until Boy Scouts.
Cap: (optional) Official Webelos baseball-style cap-navy blue with light blue front panel and Webelos emblem. The hat is optional, but is the only hat that may be worn with the uniform.
Optional Uniform pieces
The patch vest is not part of the official uniform. It can be worn by Cub and Webelos Scouts for the display of temporary and other patches that have been earned by the boy as a part of the Scouting experience. The patch vest should not be worn with the uniform for formal ceremonies or inspections.
Leader Uniform
All Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders wear the same uniform with colored shoulder loops. Blue loops indicate affiliation with a Cub Scout pack and red loops indicate affiliation with a Boy Scout troop.
Shirt: Official tan with blue shoulder epaulets. The council patch, pack number, den number, and world scouting emblems need to be sewn on.
Neck Wear: The adult uniform shirt may be worn with Cub Scout bolo tie or neckerchief of choice. The neckerchief is rolled and placed under the shirt collar with the top button open.
- Tiger Cub coaches may wear an official orange leader neckerchief with the Tiger Cub logo.
- All Den Leaders may wear an official navy blue Cub Scout leader neckerchief.
- Webelos leaders may wear a plaid neckerchief similar to Webelos Scouts.
Belt: Official olive web belt or official leather belt.
Pants/Shorts: (optional) Official olive.
Socks: (optional) Official Boy Scout socks worn with shorts or pants. Olive with red top.
Hat: (optional) Blue and gold visored cap with the Cub Scout emblem embroidered in gold. Blue Webelos visored cap for Webelos leaders.
Pack 485 provides Tiger packets, but the parents must buy their boys the Wolf, Bear, and Webelos books as needed. Handbooks can be bought at the Scout Shop (388-0591) at 521 S. Edgewood Ave. or at Army Navy Outdoors (725-5000) at 128 Monument Ave. The parents and the leaders track the scout’s progress by writing in the books. We recommend that parents read the books for their child’s age group cover-to-cover and follow the boy’s progress carefully. Every handbook includes a parent guide.
The 1998-1999 registration fee is $20 for one boy or $15 for each additional boy in the family. This includes a subscription to Boys Life for each family. Pack 485 pays the registration fees for its adult leaders. The adult registration includes a subscription to Scouter.
Dues of $1 per Den meeting are collected to defer expenses.
Pack 485 Scouting Practices
Use of Knives by Cub Scouts
To earn the right to carry a pocketknife at Cub Scout functions, the scouts must be in third grade and have earned the Whittling Chip by completing the Shavings and Chips Achievement 19 in the Bear Cub Scout Book. Please don’t give the boys knives until they meet these requirements.
In return for the privilege of carrying a pocketknife at Cub Scout functions only, the Cub must understand the rules for safe use of a pocketknife and handle his pocketknife with care. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in suspension of the carrying privilege.
BSA guidelines provide that the knife must be a folding knife with a blade shorter than the palm of the boy’s hand.
Inappropriate Behavior
The goal of the adult leaders is to have a safe, fun Pack program for the Scouts. The adult leaders have the right to intervene in any situation that they deem unsafe. If a Scout is unwilling to abide by the requirements of the adult leaders in charge, they may require a parent to come get the Scout.
Entertainment Electronics
Pack 485 does not allow the use of "entertainment" electronics (Walkman, TV’s, tape players, CD’s, electronic games, headphones, etc.) at scout meetings, scout sponsored functions, or scout outings, including camping trips. This goes for the leaders as well.
Electronic devices such as two-way radios, radios used to check weather reports or other devices that are used to insure the safety of the scouts, parents, or leaders are allowed.
Camping Guidelines
Pack 485 has a history of 4 or 5 family camping trips each year. The scout and his entire family are encouraged to attend. The Boy Scouts of America has established the guidelines for its member's participation in camping activities.
A Cub Scout may participate in overnight camping when supervised by his mother or father. If a parent cannot attend, the boy's family must make arrangements for another adult relative to be a substitute for a parent at the campout. It is essential that each Scout be under the supervision of an adult. Cub Scouts are limited to boy-parent excursions or program-managed family camping designed for the entire family.
When staying in tents, no youth will stay in the tent of an adult other than his or her parent or guardian. There are exceptions for Webelos Scouts at approved outings.
Boy Scouts of American Safe Scouting Policies
The following key items, marked with the symbol are extracted from A Unit Leader’s Guide for Current Policies and Procedures to Safe Activities (ISBN 0-8395-4416-2, © 1998 Boy Scouts of America Revised 1998). Leaders should have access to a copy of this document for additional safety topics (swimming, boating, climbing, etc.).
These are national policies enforced by the adult leaders of Pack 485 and violation of these policies by the boy or his parent will result in the removal of the scout from the pack. Repeated violation by members of a Pack can cause the revocation of the Pack charter by the Boy Scouts of America.
Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use and Abuse
The Boy Scouts of America prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances at encampments or activities on property owned and/or operated by the Boy Scouts of America, or at any activity involving participation of youth members.
Adult leaders should support the attitude that young adults are better off without tobacco and may not allow the use of tobacco products at any BSA activity involving youth participants. All Scouting functions, meetings, and activities should be conducted on a smoke-free basis, with smoking areas located away from all youth participants.
Guidelines for Safely Using Chemical Stoves and Lanterns
Use compressed or liquid-gas stoves or lanterns with knowledgeable adult supervision only and in Scout facilities only where and when permitted.
Never fuel a stove, heater, or lantern inside; always do this outdoors. Never fuel, ignite, or operate a stove, heater, or lantern in a tent. Do not leave a lighted stove or lantern unattended.
Flammability Warning
No tent material is completely fireproof. The most important safeguard is to keep flames away from tent materials. For this reason, the following safety precautions are emphasized:
- Only flashlights and electric lanterns are permitted in tents. No flames in tents.
- Never use liquid-fuel stoves, heaters, lanterns, matches, and other flame sources in or near tents.
- Do not pitch tents near an open fire.
- Only use battery operated devices in tents.
The Boy Scouts of America prohibits the securing, use, and display of fireworks in conjunction with programs and activities except where the fireworks display is conducted under the auspices of a certified or licensed fireworks control expert.
Guns and Firearms
The Boy Scouts of America adheres to its long-standing policy of teaching its youth and adult members the safe, responsible, intelligent handling, care, and use of firearms, airguns, and BB guns in planned, carefully managed, and supervised programs.
Gun-shooting sports are not an approved part of the Cub Scout program except at council-approved Cub Scout camps. At camp, Cub Scouts may have an opportunity to take part in a BB gun (rifle) safety and marksmanship program under the direction of a trained and certified BB-gun range officer.
Cub Scouts are not permitted to use any other type of handgun or firearm.
Except for law enforcement officers required to carry firearms within their jurisdiction, firearms shall not be brought on camping, hiking, backpacking, or other Scouting activities.
Seat belts are required for all occupants. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license that has not been suspended or revoked for any reason. Passenger cars or station wagons may be used for transporting passengers, but passengers should not ride on the rear deck of station wagons. Trucks may not be used for transporting passengers except in the cab. All vehicles must be covered by automobile liability insurance with limits that meet or exceed requirements of the state in which the vehicle is licensed. Do not exceed the speed limit.
If the vehicle to be used is designed to carry more than 15 persons, including the driver, the driver must have a commercial driver’s license (CDL). An adult leader must be in charge and accompany the group. The driver must be currently licensed and at least 18 years of age.